These publications provide a comprehensive overview of how the health behaviours and well-being of adolescents changed over time in Luxembourg.
Heinz, van Duin, Kern, Catunda, Willems (2020): Trends from 2006-2018 in Health, Health Behaviour, Health Outcomes and Social Context of Adolescents in Luxembourg (1.52 MB)
Cosma, Stevens, Martin, Duinhof, Walsh, Garcia-Moya, Költő, Gobina, Canale, Catunda, Inchley, de Looze (2020): Cross-National Time Trends in Adolescent Mental Well-Being From 2002 to 2018 and the Explanatory Role of Schoolwork Pressure, Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), S50-S58. (open access) (333.69 KB)
Catunda, van Duin, Heinz, Willems (2019): Trends in cannabis consumption among youth in Luxembourg. 33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Dubrovnik, Croatia (abstract)
van Duin, Catunda, Heinz, Willems (2018): Suicidal Ideation – Trends and risk groups in Luxembourg. HBSC Spring Meeting 2018, Warsaw, Poland (abstract)
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