HBSC study is carried out every four years. In Luxembourg, the survey was conducted in 1999 (pilot survey), 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018 and 2022. The following publications are listed by survey and by type of publication or by year of publication, in order to facilitate navigation.
Click on the following buttons to explore the publications by survey and type of publication.
Click on the year to explore the HBSC publications.
Residori, Lopes Ferreira, Mendes, Catunda (2024). COVID-19 impact and trends in health of school-aged children from 2006-2022 in Luxembourg – Report on the Luxembourg HBSC Survey 2022. (11.63 MB)
(13.77 MB)
(19.84 MB)
Boniel-Nissim, Marino, Galeotti, Blinka, Ozoliņa, Craig, Lahti, Wong, Brown, Wilson, Inchley, van den Eijnden (2024). A focus on adolescent social media use and gaming in Europe, central Asia and Canada. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children international report from the 2021/2022 survey. Volume 6. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Költő, de Looze, Jåstad, Nealon Lennox, Currie, Nic Gabhainn (2024). A focus on adolescent sexual health in Europe, central Asia and Canada. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children international report from the 2021/2022 survey. Volume 5. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Rakić, Hamrik, Dzielska, Felder-Puig, Oja, Bakalár, Nardone, Ciardullo, Abdrakhmanova, Adayeva, Kelly, Fismen, Wilson, Brown, Inchley, Ng (2024). A focus on adolescent physical activity, eating behaviours, weight status and body image in Europe, central Asia and Canada: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children international report from the 2021/2022 survey. Volume 4. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Lopes Ferreira, Mendes, Catunda (2024). Social context in school-aged children in Luxembourg – Report on the Luxembourg HBSC Survey 2022 (6.88 MB)
(7.47 MB)
(7.1 MB)
Catunda, Mendes, Lopes Ferreira (2024). Risk behaviours in school-aged children in Luxembourg – Report on the Luxembourg HBSC Survey 2022 (15.9 MB)
(16.7 MB)
(16.87 MB)
Charrier, van Dorsselaer, Canale, Baska, Kilibarda, Comoretto, Galeotti, Brown, Vieno (2024). A focus on adolescent substance use in Europe, central Asia and Canada. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children international report from the 2021/2022 survey. Volume 3. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Cosma, Molcho, Pickett (2024). A focus on adolescent peer violence and bullying in Europe, central Asia and Canada. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children international report from the 2021/2022 survey. Volume 2.World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Mendes, Lopes Ferreira, Residori, Catunda (2024). Health behaviours of school-aged children in Luxembourg – Report on the Luxembourg HBSC Survey 2022 (10.05 MB)
(10.38 MB)
(11.3 MB)
Boer, Moreno-Maldonado, Dierckens, Lenzi, Currie, Residori, Bosáková, Berchialla, Eida, Stevens (2024). The Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic for the Construction of the Family Affluence Scale: Findings from 16 Countries. Child Indicators Research, 17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12187-023-10082-6 (open acess) (912KB)
Catunda, Mendes, Lopes Ferreira, Residori (2023). Mental health and well-being of school-aged children in Luxembourg – Report on the Luxembourg HBSC Survey 2022 (5.88 MB)
(6.7 MB)
(7,46 MB)
Catunda, Mendes, Lopes Ferreira (2023). HBSC Study Luxembourg Methods – Report on the Luxembourg HBSC Survey 2022
Brisson, Mendes, Catunda (2023). Accounting for the gender gap in adolescents’ life satisfaction: evidence from nationally representative samples of school attendees in Luxembourg. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 28(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/02673843.2023.2283563 (open acess) (83.46KB)
Catunda, Mendes (2023). The impact of physical activity on anxiety and depression among adolescents in Luxembourg. 15th Excellence in Pediatrics Conference, Paris, France (abstract)
Lopes Ferreira, Mendes, Catunda (2023): Dual Factor Model: exploring different social sources and loneliness of adolescents in Luxembourg. 16th European Public Health Conference, Dublin, Ireland (abstract)
Mendes, Lopes Ferreira, Catunda (2023): Perceived COVID-19 impact and its relationship with Physical Activity in youths in Luxembourg: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children 2022 survey. 12th conference of HEPA Europe, Leuven, Belgium (abstract)
Cosma, Abdrakhmanova, Taut, Schrijvers, Catunda, Schnohr (2023). A focus on adolescent mental health and wellbeing in Europe, central Asia and Canada. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children international report from the 2021/2022 survey. Volume 1. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Catunda (2023): Liking School and Schoolwork Pressure perceptions of school-aged children (Factsheet Nr. 4) (1.1 MB);
(1.12 MB);
(1.12 MB);
Catunda, Lopes Ferreira (2023): Substance Consumption of school-aged children (Factsheet Nr. 3) (1.09 MB);
(1.04 MB);
(1.04 MB);
Mendes, Catunda (2023): Physical Activity, Dietary Consumption and Weight Status of school-aged children (Factsheet Nr. 2) (886.23 KB);
(894.54 KB);
(895.67 KB);
Catunda, Lopes Ferreira (2023): Health Complaints of school-aged children (Factsheet Nr. 1) (1.42 MB);
(1.45 MB);
(1.43 MB)
Catunda, C. (2023). L’étude HBSC (Health Behaviour in School Aged-Children) Luxembourg – Méthodologie et principaux résultats. Les enquêtes de santé en population générale au Luxembourg, Niedergrunewald, Luxembourg
Residori, Költő, Dóra Eszter, Gabhain (2023). Age, gender and class: how the COVID-19 pandemic affected school-aged children in the WHO European Region: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people’s health and well-being from the findings of the HBSC survey round 2021/2022. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Erikkson, Boniel-Nissim, Lyyra, Moor, Paakkari, Kulmala, (2023). A network of care: the importance of social support for adolescents in the WHO European Region during the COVID-19 pandemic: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people’s health and well-being from the findings of the HBSC survey round 2021/2022. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Elgar, Lahti, Lopes Ferreira, Melkumova, Bilz (2023). Navigating uncharted territory: school closures and adolescent experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in the WHO European Region: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people’s health and well-being from the findings of the HBSC survey round 2021/2022. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Cosma, Bersia, Abdrakhmanova, Badura, Gobina (2023). Coping through crisis: COVID-19 pandemic experiences and adolescent mental health and well-being in the WHO European Region: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people’s health and well-being from the findings of the HBSC survey round 2021/2022. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Ng, Moreno-Maldonado, Stavrou, Lenzi. (2023). Left behind: inequalities in the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic among adolescents in the WHO European Region: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people’s health and well-being from the findings of the HBSC survey round 2021/2022. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Lopes Ferreira, Mendes, Catunda (2023): Dual factor model of adolescent mental: profiles of school-aged children in Luxembourg. HBSC International Spring Meeting 2023, Kuanas, Lithuania (abstract)
Brisson (2023): Accounting for the gender gap in adolescents life satisfaction in Luxembourg. HBSC International Spring Meeting 2023, Kuanas, Lithuania (abstract)
Mendes, Catunda (2023): Comparison of Life Satisfaction between physical activity levels according to age in Luxembourg: Health Behaviour in school-aged Children survey 2022: Health Behaviour in school-aged Children survey 2022. HBSC International Spring Meeting 2023, Kuanas, Lithuania (abstract)
Mendes, Lopes Ferreira, Brisson, Residori, Catunda (2023): Comparison of well-being perception between physical activity levels according to age in Luxembourg: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey 2022. 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Upsala, Sweden (abstract)
Residori, Schumacher, Robin (2023): Alkohol, Tabak und Cannabis – Motive und Nutzungsverhalten. Wohlbefinden in der Schule – Workshop Jugendforschung und Praxis im Dialog (presentation) (1.87 MB)
Schumacher, Residori, Robin (2022): Wohlbefinden- was können Familie und Freunde bewirken: Befunde, Bedürfnisse und Potenziale. Wohlbefinden in der Schule – Workshop Jugendforschung und Praxis im Dialog (presentation) (1.49 MB)
Lopes Ferreira, Catunda (2022): Profiles of cannabis consumption among school-aged children in Luxembourg. Excellence in Pediatrics – 14th Conference, Amsterdam (abstract page 109) (24.7 MB)
Geraets, Heinz (2022): The association of adolescents’ mental health with oral health behavior: The Luxembourg Health Behavior in School-Aged Children study. Frontiers in Dental Medicine, 3, Article 979192. https://doi.org/10.3389/fdmed.2022.979192 (open access)
Residori, Heinen, Samuel (2022) : Wohlbefinden in der Schule: Aktuelle Befunde, Potenziale und Herausforderungen. Wohlbefinden in der Schule – Workshop Jugendforschung und Praxis im Dialog (presentation)
Geraets, Heinz (2022): The associations of dietary habits with health, well-being, and behavior in adolescents: A cluster analysis. Child: Care, Health and Development. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1111/cch.13064
Catunda, Heinz, Geraets (2022): La consommation de Cannabis chez les jeunes d’âge scolaire (12-18 ans) au Luxembourg – résultats de l’enquête HBSC de 2018 (682 KB)
Catunda, Heinz, Geraets (2022): Infographie – La consommation de cannabis au Luxembourg – résultats de l’enquête HBSC de 2018 (559.62 KB)
Geraets, van Duin, Catunda, Residori, Willems, Heinz (2022): Problematische Nutzung sozialer Medien von Kindern und Jugendlichen im Schulalter in Luxembourg – Ergebnisse der HBSC Umfrage 2018 (372 KB)
Geraets, Residori, van Duin, Catunda, Willems, Heinz (2022): Problematische Nutzung sozialer Medien (PSMU) bei Schülern in Luxemburg in 2018 (371.87 KB)
Heinz, Sischka, Catunda, Cosma, García-Moya, Lyyra, Kaman, Ravens-Sieberer, Pickett (2022): Item response theory and differential test functioning analysis of the HBSC- Symptom-Checklist across 46 countries, BMC Medical Research Methodology, 22. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12874-022-01698-3 (open access) (7.71 MB)
Fismen, Galler, Klepp, Chatelan, Residori, Ojala, Dzielska, Kelly, Melkumova, Milanovic, Nardone, Stefanová, Flodgren, Bakke, Ercan, Samdal, Helleve (2022): Weight Status and Mental Well-Being Among Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Self-Perceived Body Weight, Journal of Adolescent Health, 71(2), 187-195. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2022.02.010 (open access) (470.75 KB)
van Duin, Heinz, Willems (2022): Die Bedeutung der Schule für Gesundheit und Wohlbe- finden von Schülerinnen und Schülern: Ergebnisse der HBSC Surveys 2018 in Luxemburg. 9. GEBF-Tagung, online (abstract)
van Duin, Heinz, Willems (2021): Predictors of Problematic Social Media Use in a Nationally Representative Sample of Adolescents in Luxembourg, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22): 11878. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182211878 (open access) (337.59 KB)
Heinz, Willems, van Duin, Catunda, Residori (2021): Types of health-related behaviours: a cluster analysis of the Luxembourgish HBSC data. HBSC Spring Meeting 2021, online (abstract)
Heinz, Kern, van Duin, Catunda, Willems (2021): Gesundheit von Schülerinnen und Schülern in Luxemburg (2.74 MB)
Heinz, Költő, Godeau, Ehlinger, van Duin, Catunda, Willems (2020): What is problematic about binary questions on gender in health surveys – a missing answer analysis. Excellence in Pediatrics – 12th Conference, United Kingdom (abstract page 29) (4.24MB)
Költő, Heinz, Moreno-Maldonado, Cosma, Piper, Saewyc, Nic Gabhainn (2020): Measuring sex and gender identity in a cross-national adolescent population survey: Perspectives of adolescent health experts from 44 countries. Excellence in Pediatrics – 12th Conference, United Kingdom (abstract page 28) (4.24MB)
van Duin, Heinz, Willems (2020): The influence of well-being, social support, media use and sociodemographic factors on problematic social media sue among Luxembourgish adolescents. 12th Excellence in Pediatrics Conference, United Kingdom (abstract page 34) (4.24MB)
Heinz, van Duin, Catunda, Kern, Willems (2020): Scanning of questionnaires as a tool to identify difficult questions – lessons learned. HBSC Autumn Meeting 2020, online (abstract)
Residori, Schomaker, Samuel (2020): The health, well-being and life satisfaction of young people in Luxembourg before the COVID-19 pandemic and during deconfinement. HBSC Autumn Meeting 2020, online (abstract)
Kern, Heinz, Stevens, Walsh, Willems (2020): “What’s a normal weight?” – Origin and receiving country influences on weight-status assessment among 1.5 and 2nd generation immigrant adolescents in Europe, Social Science & Medicine, 264, 113306. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113306 (open access) (547.08 kB)
Heinz, van Duin, Kern, Catunda, Willems (2020): Trends from 2006-2018 in Health, Health Behaviour, Health Outcomes and Social Context of Adolescents in Luxembourg (1.52 MB)
Catunda, van Duin, Heinz, Willems (2020): Suicidal Behaviour in Youth in Luxembourg – Findings from the HBSC 2014 Luxembourg Study (2.21 MB)
Kern, Duinhof, Walsh, Cosma, Moreno-Maldonado, Molcho, Curry, Stevens (2020): Intersectionality and Adolescent Mental Well-being: A Cross-Nationally Comparative Analysis of the Interplay Between Immigration Background, Socioeconomic Status and Gender, Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), S12-S20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.02.013 (open access) (337.03 KB)
Cosma, Stevens, Martin, Duinhof, Walsh, Garcia-Moya, Költő, Gobina, Canale, Catunda, Inchley, de Looze (2020): Cross-National Time Trends in Adolescent Mental Well-Being From 2002 to 2018 and the Explanatory Role of Schoolwork Pressure, Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), S50-S58. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.02.010 (open access) (333.69 KB)
Heinz, Catunda, van Duin, Torsheim, Willems (2020): Patterns of health related gender inequalities – a cluster analysis of 45 countries, Journal of Adolescent Health, 66(6), S29-S39. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jadohealth.2020.02.011 (open access) (1.06 MB)
Inchley et al. (2020): Spotlight on adolescent health and well-being (Volume 1.Key findings (6.23 MB)) (Volume 2. Key data (2.93 KB)) (Summary (915.80 KB))
Catunda, Gobina, Potrebny, Šmigelskas (2020): Mental Well-Being, in Inchley et al. (eds.) Spotlight on adolescent health and well-being (Volume 1: Key findings), S. 20-23. (6.23 MB)
Költő, van Duin, Young (2020): Sexual Health, in Inchley et al. (eds.) Spotlight on adolescent health and well-being (Volume 1: Key findings), S. 24-25. (6.23 MB)
Stevens, Lenzi, Moreno Maldonado, Torsheim, Kern, Walsh, Currie, Inchley (2020): Family Context, in Inchley et al. (eds.) Spotlight on adolescent health and well-being (Volume 1: Key findings), S. 40-42. (6.23 MB)
Kern, Heinz, Willems (2020): School-Class Co-Ethnic and Immigrant Density and Current Smoking among Immigrant Adolescents, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(2), 598. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17020598 (open access) (765.38 KB)
Catunda (2020): Comportement suicidaire des adolescents au Luxembourg. Luxembourg
Heinz, Catunda, van Duin, Willems (2020): Suicide prevention: Using the number of health complaints as an indirect alternative for screening suicidal adolescents, Journal of Affective Disorders, 260(1), 61-66. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jad.2019.08.025 (open access) (382.39 KB)
van Duin, Heinz, Catunda, Willems (2019): Using data from the HBSC study for evidence-based suicide prevention in Luxembourg. 12th European Public Health Conference, United Kingdom (abstract) (67.05 KB)
van Duin, Heinz, Catunda, Willems (2019): Adolescent suicide behaviour profiles: comparing unplanned attempts, planned attempts and ideation. 12th European Public Health Conference, United Kingdom (abstract) (716.42 KB and 77.16KB)
Heinz, Catunda (2019): Ernährung und Bewegung von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Luxemburg – Ergebnisse der HBSC-Befragungen 2006-2018. Journée “Gesond iessen, méi beweegen”, Luxembourg
Catunda, van Duin, Heinz, Willems (2019): Trends in cannabis consumption among youth in Luxembourg. 33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Dubrovnik, Croatia (abstract)
Catunda, van Duin, Heinz, Willems (2019): Communication with father and mother differently impacts suicidal behavior. 33rd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Dubrovnik, Croatia (abstract)
Catunda, Heinz, van Duin, Willems (2019): Is Life Satisfaction Contagious? HBSC Spring Meeting 2019, Reykjavik, Iceland (abstract)
Heinz, Catunda, van Duin, Willems (2019): “Are you a boy or girl?” Who are the non-responders. HBSC Spring Meeting 2019, Reykjavik, Iceland (abstract)
Kern, Heinz, Stevens, Walsh, Willems (2019): “What’s a normal weight?“ – Weight assessment standards in Origin- and Receiving Country and Immigrant Adolescents’ Weight-Status Self-Assessment. HBSC Spring Meeting 2019, Reykjavik, Iceland (abstract)
Zaborskis, Ilionsky, Tesler, Heinz (2019): The Association Between Cyberbullying, School Bullying, and Suicidality Among Adolescents, in CRISIS, 40(2), 100-114. https://doi.org/10.1027/0227-5910/a000536 (43.58 KB)
Heinz, van Duin, Catunda, Kern, Residori, Willems (2018): Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Luxemburg (2.10 MB)
van Duin, Heinz, Catunda, Willems (2018): Gender differences in risk factors for suicidal behaviours in adolescents. Excellence in Pediatrics – 10th Edition, Prague, Czech Republic (abstract)
Catunda, van Duin, Heinz, Willems (2018): Suicide Prevention in Luxembourg: Using the HBSC Symptom Checklist as an Alternative Tool for Screening. Excellence in Pediatrics – 10th Edition, Prague, Czech Republic (abstract)
Catunda, van Duin, Heinz, Willems (2018): Cannabis Use during Adolescence: An Overview in Luxembourg and in Comparison to other European Countries. Excellence in Pediatrics – 10th Edition, Prague, Czech Republic (abstract)
Catunda (2018): Idéation suicidaire – Les tendances et les groupes à risque chez les adolescents au Luxembourg. Santé Scolaire – 7ième Journée Nationale, Luxembourg (abstract)
Heinz, Kern, Residori, Catunda, van Duin, Willems (2018): Qualität der Kommunikation in der Familie (203.59 KB) / Qualité de la communication au sein de la famille
(238.22 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 17)
van Duin, Heinz, Kern, Residori, Catunda, Willems (2018): Bewertung des Klassenklimas (313.37 KB) / Climat de classe
(261.94 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 16)
Heinz, Kern, Residori, Catunda, van Duin, Willems (2018): Körperliche Aktivität von Schülern in der Freizeit (207.57 KB) / Activité physique des élèves pendant leur temps libre
(299.67 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 15)
van Duin, Heinz, Kern, Residori, Catunda, Willems (2018): Fernsehkonsum von Schülern (206.55 KB) / Consommation de télévision
(243.03 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 14)
Heinz, van Duin, Kern, Residori, Catunda, Willems (2018): Mobbing in der Schule (319.84 KB) / Harcèlement à l’école
(238.41 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 13)
van Duin, Residori, Kern, Catunda, Heinz, Willems (2018): Tägliches Essen von Obst und Gemüse (203.15 KB) / Consommation quotidienne de fruits et de légumes
(221.10 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 12)
van Duin, Heinz, Kern, Residori, Catunda, Willems (2018): Geschlechtsverkehr und Verhütung (215.57 KB) / Activité sexuelle et contraception
(240.99 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 11)
Residori, van Duin, Kern, Catunda, Heinz, Willems (2018): Frühstücksgewohnheiten (206.23 KB) / Habitudes du petit déjeuner
(228.70 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 10)
van Duin, Heinz, Kern, Residori, Catunda, Willems (2018): Schulischer Stress (214.55 KB) / Le stress à l‘école
(220.82 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 9)
van Duin, Heinz, Kern, Residori, Catunda, Willems (2018): “Was hältst du zurzeit von der Schule?” (353.42 KB) / « Actuellement que penses-tu de l’école? »
(244.73 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 8)
Heinz, Kern, Residori, Catunda, van Duin, Willems (2018): Cannabiskonsum von Schülern in Luxemburg (214.47 KB) / Consommation de cannabis des élèves au Luxembourg
(237.56 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 7)
Catunda, van Duin, Kern, Residori, Heinz, Willems (2018): Alkoholkonsum von Schülern in Luxemburg (216.14 KB) / La consommation d’alcool des élèves au Luxembourg
(239.68 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 6)
Kern, Heinz, Residori, Catunda, van Duin, Willems (2018): Tabakkonsum von Schülern in Luxemburg (211.81 KB) / Consommation de tabac par les élèves au Luxembourg
(230.21 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 5)
van Duin, Catunda, Heinz, Willems (2018): Suicidal Ideation – Trends and risk groups in Luxembourg. HBSC Spring Meeting 2018, Warsaw, Poland (abstract)
Catunda, Heinz, van Duin, Willems (2018): Peer versus Family Support: Decreasing the Impact of FAS and Age on the Life Satisfaction. HBSC Spring Meeting 2018, Warsaw, Poland (abstract)
Catunda, Heinz, Willems (2018): Subjective Health Complaints in Adolescence – Validity of the HBSC Symptom Checklist in Luxembourg. 32nd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Galway, Ireland (abstract) (751.10 KB)
Catunda, Heinz, Willems (2018): Effect of peer versus family support on the life satisfaction of Luxemburgish Adolescents. 32nd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society, Galway, Ireland (abstract)
Catunda, Heinz, Willems (2018): L’effet médiateur de la satisfaction de vie sur les plaintes de santé des adolescents au Luxembourg. Xème Congrès francophone de psychologie de la santé, Metz, France (abstract)
Catunda, Heinz, Willems (2018): La satisfaction de vie des adolescents au Luxembourg. Xème Congrès francophone de psychologie de la santé, Metz, France (abstract)
Steffgen, Heinz (2018): Teachers make the difference! Gender specific predictors of bullying and cyberbullying. 7e Conférence Mondiale “Violence à l’école et politiques publiques”, Québec, Canada (abstract)
Inchley et al. (2018): Adolescent alcohol-related behaviours: trends and inequalities in the WHO European Region, 2002–2014 (11.40 MB)
Heinz, Kern, Residori, Catunda, Willems (2017): Gesundheitsbeschwerden von Schülern in Luxemburg (202.21 KB) / Les problèmes de santé des élèves luxembourgeois
(215.16 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 4)
Residori, Kern, Heinz, Catunda, Willems (2017): Übergewicht bei Schülern in Luxemburg (224.09 KB) / Le surpoids chez les élèves au Luxembourg
(215.14 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 3)
Kern, Residori, Heinz, Catunda, Willems (2017): Die allgemeine Lebenszufriedenheit von Schülern in Luxemburg (238.26 KB) / La satisfaction de vie des élèves au Luxembourg
(221.87 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 2)
Heinz, Kern, Residori, Catunda, Willems (2017): Zur Methodik der Studie “Health Behaviour in School-aged Children” (244.39 KB) / Méthodologie de l’étude « Health Behaviour in School-aged Children »
(205.18 KB) (Factsheet Nr. 1)
Heinz (2017): Health Behaviour in School-aged Children – Studienergebnisse der HBSC-Erhebung 2014. Journée Nationale Santé Scolaire, Luxembourg.
Residori, Willems, Heinz (2017): Does relative and subjective family affluence influence overweight, body image and weight reduction behaviour of adolescents in Luxembourg? HBSC International Coordinating Centre, Bergen, Norway (abstract)
Inchley et al (2017): Adolescent obesity and related behaviours: trends and inequalities in the WHO European Region, 2002-2014 (13.16 MB)
Inchley et al. (2016): Growing up unequal: gender and socioeconomic differences in young people`s health and well-being (43.39 MB)
Currie et al. (2012): Social determinants of health and well-being among young people (44.05 MB)
Currie et al. (2008): Inequalities in young people’s health (30.62 MB)
Henschen, Wagener (2005): Das Wohlbefinden der Jugendlichen in Luxemburg im internationalen Vergleich
Wagener, Henschen, Petry (2005): Das Wohlbefinden der Jugendlichen in Luxemburg: 5. und 6. Klasse/Grundschule
Wagener, Petry (2002): Das Wohlbefinden der Jugendlichen in Luxemburg