
The study about health in children and adolescents “Health Behaviour in School-aged Children” is an international research collaboration initiated in 1982, to study health behaviours in school aged children and adolescents, in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO).

Since then, the number of participating countries has increased and nowadays the survey includes 51 countries and regions from Europe, North America and Asia. Luxembourg has conducted a pilot survey in 1999 and since 2006 Luxembourg regularly participates in HBSC surveys.

The survey is conducted every 4 years with students between the age of 11 and 18 years old and focuses on topics such as health, health-related behaviours and environmental conditions.

The data are collected and analysed in collaboration with the Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse, the Ministère de la Santé et de la Sécurité sociale / Direction de la santé, the Youth Research group of the University of Luxembourg and the HBSC Research Network.

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