Les données de l’enquête HBSC Luxembourg 2022 ont été collectées et sont en cours d’analyse.
Ces publications font références à l’enquête HBSC Luxembourg de 2022 et donnent un aperçu des comportements de santé et bien-être des adolescents à ce moment précis.
Les contributions HBSC Luxembourg au niveau international peuvent être retrouvées dans la rubrique « Rapports internationaux ».
Residori, Lopes Ferreira, Mendes, Catunda (2024). Impact de la COVID-19 et tendances 2006-2022 de la santé des enfants et adolescents en âge scolaire au Luxembourg – Rapport sur l’étude HBSC Luxembourg de 2022. (19.84 MB)
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Lopes Ferreira, Mendes, Catunda (2024). Contexte social des enfants et adolescents en âge scolaire au Luxembourg – Rapport de l’étude HBSC Luxembourg de 2022 (7.1 MB)
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Catunda, Mendes, Lopes Ferreira (2024). Comportements à risque des enfants et adolescents en âge scolaire au Luxembourg – Rapport de l’étude HBSC Luxembourg de 2022 (16.87 MB)
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Mendes, Lopes Ferreira, Residori, Catunda (2024). Comportements liés à la santé des enfants et adolescents en âge scolaire au Luxembourg – Rapport de l’étude HBSC Luxembourg de 2022 (11.3 MB)
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Catunda, Mendes, Lopes Ferreira, Residori (2023). Santé mentale et bien-être des enfants et adolescents en âge scolaire au Luxembourg – Rapport sur l’étude HBSC Luxembourg de 2022 (6.7 MB)
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Catunda, Mendes, Lopes Ferreira (2023). HBSC Study Luxembourg Methods – Report on the Luxembourg HBSC Survey 2022
Catunda (2023): Appréciation de l’école et perception de la pression liée au travail scolaire chez les enfants et adolescents en âge scolaire (Fiche d’information Nr. 4) (1.12 MB);
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Catunda, Lopes Ferreira (2023): La consommation de substances nocives des enfants et adolescentes en âge scolaire (Fiche d’information Nr. 3) (1.04 MB);
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Mendes, Catunda (2023): Activité physique, consommation alimentaire et statut pondéral des enfants et adolescents en âge scolaire (Fiche d’information Nr. 2) (894.54 KB);
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Catunda, Lopes Ferreira (2023): Les problèmes de santé des enfants et adolescentes en âge scolaire (Fiche d’information Nr. 1) (1.45 MB);
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Boniel-Nissim, Marino, Galeotti, Blinka, Ozoliņa, Craig, Lahti, Wong, Brown, Wilson, Inchley, van den Eijnden (2024). A focus on adolescent social media use and gaming in Europe, central Asia and Canada. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children international report from the 2021/2022 survey. Volume 6. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Költő, de Looze, Jåstad, Nealon Lennox, Currie, Nic Gabhainn (2024). A focus on adolescent sexual health in Europe, central Asia and Canada. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children international report from the 2021/2022 survey. Volume 5. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Rakić, Hamrik, Dzielska, Felder-Puig, Oja, Bakalár, Nardone, Ciardullo, Abdrakhmanova, Adayeva, Kelly, Fismen, Wilson, Brown, Inchley, Ng (2024). A focus on adolescent physical activity, eating behaviours, weight status and body image in Europe, central Asia and Canada: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children international report from the 2021/2022 survey. Volume 4. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Cosma, Abdrakhmanova, Taut, Schrijvers, Catunda, Schnohr (2023). A focus on adolescent mental health and wellbeing in Europe, central Asia and Canada. Health Behaviour in School-aged Children international report from the 2021/2022 survey. Volume 1. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Residori, Költő, Dóra Eszter, Gabhain (2023). Age, gender and class: how the COVID-19 pandemic affected school-aged children in the WHO European Region: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people’s health and well-being from the findings of the HBSC survey round 2021/2022. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Erikkson, Boniel-Nissim, Lyyra, Moor, Paakkari, Kulmala, (2023). A network of care: the importance of social support for adolescents in the WHO European Region during the COVID-19 pandemic: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people’s health and well-being from the findings of the HBSC survey round 2021/2022. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Elgar, Lahti, Lopes Ferreira, Melkumova, Bilz (2023). Navigating uncharted territory: school closures and adolescent experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic in the WHO European Region: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people’s health and well-being from the findings of the HBSC survey round 2021/2022. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Cosma, Bersia, Abdrakhmanova, Badura, Gobina (2023). Coping through crisis: COVID-19 pandemic experiences and adolescent mental health and well-being in the WHO European Region: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people’s health and well-being from the findings of the HBSC survey round 2021/2022. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Ng, Moreno-Maldonado, Stavrou, Lenzi. (2023). Left behind: inequalities in the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic among adolescents in the WHO European Region: impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on young people’s health and well-being from the findings of the HBSC survey round 2021/2022. World Health Organization. Regional Office for Europe
Boer, Moreno-Maldonado, Dierckens, Lenzi, Currie, Residori, Bosáková, Berchialla, Eida, Stevens (2024). The Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic for the Construction of the Family Affluence Scale: Findings from 16 Countries. Child Indicators Research, 17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12187-023-10082-6 (open acess) (912KB)
Brisson, Mendes, Catunda (2023). Accounting for the gender gap in adolescents’ life satisfaction: evidence from nationally representative samples of school attendees in Luxembourg. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 28(1). https://doi.org/10.1080/02673843.2023.2283563 (open acess) (83.46KB)
Catunda, Mendes (2023). The impact of physical activity on anxiety and depression among adolescents in Luxembourg. 15th Excellence in Pediatrics Conference, Paris, France (abstract)
Lopes Ferreira, Mendes, Catunda (2023): Dual Factor Model: exploring different social sources and loneliness of adolescents in Luxembourg. 16th European Public Health Conference, Dublin, Ireland (abstract)
Mendes, Lopes Ferreira, Catunda (2023): Perceived COVID-19 impact and its relationship with Physical Activity in youths in Luxembourg: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children 2022 survey. 12th conference of HEPA Europe, Leuven, Belgium (abstract)
Catunda, C. (2023). L’étude HBSC (Health Behaviour in School Aged-Children) Luxembourg – Méthodologie et principaux résultats. Les enquêtes de santé en population générale au Luxembourg, Niedergrunewald, Luxembourg
Lopes Ferreira, Mendes, Catunda (2023): Dual factor model of adolescent mental: profiles of school-aged children in Luxembourg. HBSC International Spring Meeting 2023, Kuanas, Lithuania (abstract)
Brisson (2023): Accounting for the gender gap in adolescents life satisfaction in Luxembourg. HBSC International Spring Meeting 2023, Kuanas, Lithuania (abstract)
Mendes, Catunda (2023): Comparison of Life Satisfaction between physical activity levels according to age in Luxembourg: Health Behaviour in school-aged Children survey 2022: Health Behaviour in school-aged Children survey 2022. HBSC International Spring Meeting 2023, Kuanas, Lithuania (abstract)
Mendes, Lopes Ferreira, Brisson, Residori, Catunda (2023): Comparison of well-being perception between physical activity levels according to age in Luxembourg: Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey 2022. 22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Upsala, Sweden (abstract)
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